Mique Eggermont Foundation

The Mique Eggermont Foundation supports the idiosyncratic, critical and committed voices of visual artists. Every year we encourage a recent graduate to pursue their own artistic path with the help of the ME Award, and a more advanced artist to embark on an experimental project with the help of the ME Grant.

The foundation is an initiative of art historian, curator and critic Mique Eggermont (1950–2019). She was a passionate, idealist and critical motivator and initiator of countless art projects, internationally, within the Netherlands, and in Maastricht, her home base.

Mique did not like to make concessions, especially when it comes to contemporary artistic practice, and therefore called on students and young artists to claim their freedom, rather than wait for someone else to grant that freedom to you. Mique ensured that the encouragement she wanted to give to artists would be continued through the Mique Eggermont Foundation.


Valentijn Schnitz,

Background photograph:
Valentijn Schnitz
receives the ME Award
and Antye Guenther (right),
Jury Member 2024
©Paul Devens